- Αγίου Γεωργίου 2, Αγία Παρασκευή, Αθήνα
- Δευ-Παρ. 9:00-20:00

Συμεών Ψωμιάδης
Ιατρός, Οδοντίατρος, Στοματικός & Γναθοπροσωπικός Χειρουργός, Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρας ΕΚΠΑ
Ο κ. Σύμος Ψωμιάδης είναι πτυχιούχος της Ιατρικής (2011) και της Οδοντιατρικής (2006) Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης. Το 2016 έλαβε τον τίτλο της ειδικότητας της Στοματικής & Γναθοπροσωπικής Χειρουργικής, αφου ολοκλήρωσε την εκπαίδευση του σε νοσοκομεία της Ελλάδας (Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο Ηρακλείου, Γενικό Νοσοκομείο Αττικής ΚΑΤ, Αντικαρκινικό Νοσοκομείο Αθηνών «Ο Άγιος Σάββας») και της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας (Queen Victoria Hospital East Grinstead) (2011-2016).
Αμέσως μετά εργάστηκε ως Επιμελητής στις κλινικές Στοματικής & Γναθοπροσωπικής Χειρουργικής του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Λευκωσίας και έπειτα του Γενικού Κρατικού Νοσοκομείου Αθηνών «Γ.ΓΕΝΝΗΜΑΤΑΣ». (2016-2018).
Από το 2018 είναι συνεργάτης της κλινικής Στοματικής και Γναθοπροσωπικής Χειρουργικής του νοσοκομείου Ευρωκλινική Αθηνών και του νοσοκομείου Ευρωκλινική Παίδων.
Ασκεί όλο το φάσμα της Στοματικής και Γναθοπροσωπικής Χειρουργικής με ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον στην Ορθογναθική Χειρουργική, την Εμφυτευματολογία, και την Αντιμετώπιση Γναθοπροσωπικού Πόνου.
Μετεκπαιδευθείς στην Εμφυτευματολογία στο NYU College of Dentistry Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program (2016).
Είναι υποψήφιος Διδάκτορας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.
- AlSamak S, Psomiadis S, Gkantidis N. Positional guidelines for orthodontic mini-implant placement in the anterior alveolar region: A systematic review. The International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial implants, 2013;28:470-479
- Zouloumis L., Parrisi A., Anagnostou Ch., Psomiadis S., Pavlidis A. Supernumerary Molars: Fourth or Distomolars. Clinical Study and Review of the Literature. Balk J Stom, 2009; 13:167-171
- Zouloumis L. Iordanidis S. Anagnostou Ch. Psomiadis S. Osteoporosis and dental implants. Implantology 2009; 13/3:225-238
- Zouloumis L., Rodiou S., Venetis Gr., Psomiadis S. The management of oral bone defects using a new β-TCP material. STOMA 2008; 36:291-303
- Zouloumis L., Papadopoulou A., Psomiadis S., Papadiochos I., Lazaridou D. Dental preperation of patients undertaken general anesthesia. Report of two cases of perianaesthetic dental injury. STOMA 2008; 36:267-272
- Gkantidis N, Psomiadis S, Topouzelis N. Teeth spacing: etiology and treatment. Hellenic Orthodontic Review 2007; 10:75-92
- Psomiadis S, Mourouzis C, Rallis G, Karagiani C, Vlachos K, Mezitis M. Multidiciplinary treatment of intra and extracranial meningioma. Oral Presentation in 28th Panhellenic Congress of OMFS, Athens 28-30 November 2014. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Athanasiou S, Mourouzis C, Parara E, Mezitis M, Rallis G. Bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaws. A 2 year retrospective study. Poster in 27th Panhellenic Congress of OMFS, Nicosia – Cyprus 26-27 October 2013. (presenting author)
- Mourouzis C, Psomiadis S, Krasadakis Ch, Athanasiou S, Parara E, Rallis G. Corelation between facial bone fractures and fractures of cervical spine in patients with facial trauma. A 3 year prospective study. Oral Presentation in 27th Panhellenic Congress of OMFS, Nicosia – Cyprus 26-27 October 2013. (presenting author)
- Anagnostou C, Psomiadis S, Stavrianos C, Zouloumis L. Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the jaws: Presentation of two cases. Poster in 15th Congress of the BaSS, Thessaloniki 22-25 April 2010
- Anagnostou C, Pavlidis A, Psomiadis S, Economou G. Istiocytocis Langerhans, A rare case report in mandible. Poster in Annual Congress of the Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Aridaia March 12-14, 2010.
- Papadopoulou A, Papadiochos I, Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. The use of Autologus PRP in current surgery. Oral Presentation in 23th Panhellenic Congress of OMFS, Thessaloniki, November 27-29, 2009.
- Zouloumis L, Psomiadis S, Anagnostou C, Pavlidis A. Clinical evaluation of mini implants rehabilitation. A 5 year follow up study. Poster in 23th Panhellenic Congress of OMFS, Thessaloniki, November 27-29, 2009. (Prize)
- Psomiadis S, Anagnostou C, Kostas A, Zouloumis L. Protocols for conservative treatment of TMJ Dislocation Disorders. Poster in 29th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Ioannina, November 13-15, 2009.
- Anagnostou C, Pavlidis A, Psomiadis S, Economou G, Zouloumis L. The use of laser in oral surgery. Novelty or exaggeration. Poster in 29th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Ioannina, November 13-15, 2009.
- Anagnostou C, Psomiadis S, Pavlidis A, Economou G, Zouloumis L. Protocols for conservative treatment of masseter muscle pain and dysfunction. Poster in 29th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Ioannina, November 13-15, 2009.
- Anagnostou C, Psomiadis S, Kostas A, Zouloumis S, Zouloumis L. Bisphosphonades and dental implants. Oral Presentation in 14th Congress of the BaSS and 9th Scientific Congress of BgDA, Varna 6-9 May 2009
- Zouloumis L, Emmanouil I, Psomiadis S, Anagnostou C. Prosthetic rehabilitation of maxilla after gunshot trauma: an extreme case report. Poster in 14th Congress of the BaSS and 9th Scientific Congress of BgDA, Varna 6-9 May 2009. (presenting author)
- Anagnostou C, Psomiadis S, Papadiochos I, Zouloumis L. Long term evaluation of dental implants success rate in osteoporotic patients. Poster in Annual Congress of the Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki February 29 March 1-2, 2009.
- Papadopoulou A, Papadiochos I, Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. General anesthesia in contemporary dentistry. The cooperation between the anesthisiologist and the dentist. Poster in 28th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Thessaloniki, October 23-26, 2008.
- Psomiadis S, Stavrianos C, Stavrianou I. Denture identification system in Sweden. Poster in 12th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Istanbul, April 12-14, 2007
- Stavrianos C, Psomiadis S, Stavrianou I, Petalotis N. Child abuse in ancient greek mythology. Poster in 12th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Istanbul, April 12-14, 2007.
- Psomiadis S, Gkantidis N, Zouloumis L. Tooth-implant connection in partial edentulous patients. Current trends. Poster in Annual Congress of the Stomatological Society of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki March 16-18, 2007.
- Lazaridou D, Tsaousoglou F, Dimitrouli M, Psomiadis S, Teeth avulsion during general anesthesia. Immediate treatment. Oral Presentation in 11th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Sarajevo May 11–14 2006
- Dimitrouli M, Lazaridou D, Psomiadis S, Lazaridou M. Orthograde filling materials in apicoectomy. Oral Presentation in 11th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Sarajevo May 11–14 2006
- Psomiadis S, Stavrianos C. MTA – recent research data and clinical applications. Oral Presentation in 12th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Larisa 5-7 May 2006. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Stavrianos C. Forensic Dentistry a new field for dental practice. Oral Presentation in 12th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Larisa 5-7 May 2006. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Stavrianos C. New trends in diagnostic techniques in endontology and dental surgery. Oral Presentation in 12th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Larisa 5-7 May 2006. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. Impacted upper canines: Etiology Treatment. Oral Presentation in 12th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Larisa 5-7 May 2006.
- Tsaousoglou F, Psomiadis S, Lazaridou D, Arampatzoglou X, Lazaridou M. Permanent teeth delayed eruption due to supernumerary teeth. Poster in 25th Panhellenic Dental Congress, Larisa, October 27-29, 2005.
- Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. Edentulous patient – Treatment options. Oral Presentation in 11th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Alexandroupoli 13-15 May 2005. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. Recurrence of “Brown tumor” due to Hyperparathyroidism. Oral Presentation in 11th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Alexandroupoli 13-15 May 2005. (presenting author)
- Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. Toxoplasmosis of cervical lymph nodes. Report of two cases. Oral Presentation in 11th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Alexandroupoli 13-15 May 2005.
- Psomiadis S, Zouloumis L. Recurrences of Apicectomies. Oral Presentation in 10th Scientific Cοngress of Greek Medical Students, Thessaloniki 14-16 May 2004. (presenting author)
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